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Meijer Food Truck Nourishes Essential Workers at Beaumont Hospital
Apr 20, 2020

Located on the William Beaumont Hospital campus in Royal Oak, our Woodward Corner Market team has developed close ties to the medical professionals who’ve become regular customers since the store’s opening earlier this year. Knowing that those hospital employees are now one of the community’s most vital resources in its fight against the spread of the coronavirus, our team wanted to help provide the fuel they need.

Woodward Corner Market Store Director Natalie Rubino arranged for a Meijer Food Truck to provide free drinks and snacks to hospital employees during key hours of the day.

The truck is at the hospital every weekday, providing coffee, snacks, and bottled water – all at no charge. So far, it’s been serving more than 1,000 Beaumont employees each day. As an added “thank you,” Beaumont employees also receive 5 percent off purchases at Woodward Corner Market.

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