Simply Give

Whenever you shop Meijer, you help fight hunger in your community through programs like Simply Give.


The hallmark of the Meijer hunger relief efforts is its year-round Simply Give program, which has helped local food pantries keep their shelves stocked since November 2008.

This signature program has generated more than $86 million thanks to the continued generosity and support of Meijer customers, team members and food pantry partners who are committed to helping feed hungry families.

How to Give

During each Simply Give campaign, customers are encouraged to purchase a $10 Simply Give donation card upon checkout. Once purchased, the donation is converted into a Meijer Food-Only Gift Card and donated directly to the local food pantry selected by the store.

Meijer customers shopping online using Meijer pickup or home delivery can also purchase Simply Give donation cards as an add-on to their orders.

The Meijer Simply Give holiday campaign will run through Dec. 28. Meijer will double match any cards purchased on Saturday, Dec. 14, effectively tripling contributions made on that day. To view this most recent campaign’s full list of participating pantries, click here.

shop Simply Give cards

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Your $10 donation helps
a neighbor make ends meet.

Each Meijer store partners with a local food pantry during campaigns to ensure that all donations generated remain within local communities.

The Simply Give program runs year-round to help keep food pantries in our communities well-stocked no matter the season. The partnering food pantries are rotated throughout the year to ensure broader outreach in our communities.

Instead of determining what food to donate to our food pantry partners, the Simply Give program allows them the flexibility to choose the grocery items best suited for the families they serve. And, this includes baby food, formula, diapers and wipes.

Voices of Hunger

Voices of Hunger 

-Melissa B., Muskegon Rescue Mission, pantry partner of our North Muskegon, Mich. store

We are just blown away by the results. You can imagine how much this is needed during winter and after so many canceled events! Thank you.

-Lisa S., Shalom Center, pantry partner of our Kenosha, Wisc. store

This is wonderful news. We are so thankful for our partnership and for your commitment to enriching the lives of people in our community through your Simply Give campaign. We truly appreciate all you do.

-Michelle H., St. Alphonsus Food Center, pantry partner of our Knapp’s Corner Grand Rapids, Mich. store

This is absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much for all the support that you give to our pantry and most importantly our community at large. You are a blessing and we appreciate all that you do.
