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Lorain Team Members Volunteer at Mobile Food Pantry No Matter the Weather
Feb 3, 2021

A long line of cars queued up as team members from our Lorain, Ohio store braved the cold and snow to feed members of their community last month.

Store Director Cassandra Robinson said her team set a goal last year to make stronger connections with local community organizations serving the Hispanic community, as 30 percent of Lorain’s population is Hispanic. As it turns out, their existing Simply Give partner and an organization they frequently volunteer with, Second Harvest Food Bank, needed volunteers for a mobile food pantry in the Hispanic community, called El Centro de Sociales.

Team members and leaders from the store jumped at the chance and got to work. Together, they helped load vehicles with food for almost 600 families!

“I do not have any problem getting volunteers even though the temperatures can be either extremely hot or cold. They feel a satisfaction in helping other people and the recipients are very appreciative of our time,” Cassandra said. “Second Harvest appreciates that they can count on us, especially since many of the companies who supplied volunteers prior to COVID-19 are unable to do so.”

In all, Meijer contributed $28,560 to Second Harvest Food Bank in 2020 through our Simply Give program.

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