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Alpena Meijer Donations Used to Enhance and Educate Local Community
May 21, 2015

To demonstrate our commitment to our new neighbors in Alpena, Mich., we recently partnered with two local organizations that are fundamental to area residents and the community – Alpena High School and Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

During the Alpena store ribbon-cutting ceremony in late April, Meijer Store Director Warren Richter presented a $30,000 check to the Alpena High School. School Principal Matt Poli accepted the donation, which will go toward a new scoreboard at the district’s Wildcat Stadium.

Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary also received a donation of $25,000 from Meijer. The sanctuary protects the Great Lakes and its rich maritime history through research, education and resource protection. Today, the 4,300-square-mile sanctuary protects one of America’s best-preserved and nationally-significant collections of shipwrecks. The donation will help ensure future generations can enjoy these underwater treasures and support its various educational programs.

At Meijer, it is our philosophy to support the communities where our customers and team members work and live, and we are pleased to help these two organizations enhance the area and educate their community.


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