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Meijer and Cleveland Browns Tackle Student Football Safety Head-On
Sep 24, 2020

After recently announcing Meijer as the team’s Official Grocery Supercenter, we are pleased to be partnering with the Cleveland Browns in support of student athletes in the Cleveland community through the HELMETS program.

The HELMETS program donates $25,000 in new football helmets to deserving Ohio youth football teams in partnership with Xenith and University Hospitals. The program promotes health and safety by requiring that all applying programs enroll in USA Football’s medically-endorsed Youth Football Certification course. The certification clinics educate coaches about concussion recognition and response protocols, proper equipment fitting, shoulder tackling, heads up blocking, heat emergency preparedness and hydration and sudden cardiac arrest.

Nordonia High School in Macedonia, Ohio was the most recent recipient of the HELMETS donation, receiving 86 new helmets last month.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Browns and wish them a great season!

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