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Diaper Donation Fills Need at Chicago Food Pantry
Aug 3, 2021

When you think food pantry, you think canned goods, boxed meals, maybe some milk and fresh produce. But do you think diapers? If your answer was “no,” you’re not alone. The Food Resources Development Manager at the Greater Chicago Food Depository says diapers are one of the top three most needed items and they’re not easy to get.

That’s where our team came in.

Regional Vice President Tom Dant was talking with that Food Resources Development Manager, Faith Stachnik, recently, when she mentioned the need for diapers. Tom said he saw the need and went to work on it, donating a total of six pallets – that’s 662 boxes – of diapers.

“We saw a need and filled it,” he said.

Several of our stores in the Chicago suburbs routinely partner with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, donating food on a weekly basis. But this donation was above and beyond.

“We were simply looking for ways to make a difference in the lives of others and wanted to partner with local organizations that could help our communities,” Tom said.

“The Cook County Meijer stores have been phenomenal partners in assisting our neighbors in need with food rescue from their stores, but they have taken their mission of supporting the neighborhoods they serve one giant step forward through a donation of over $10,000 in diapers,” Faith said. “Diapers are a very expensive item for families, and for families already in need of jobs and food assistance, this will help relieve this expense as they continue work towards a better tomorrow.”

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